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CUES RealTalk! Series Playbacks

Women in the Workforce: Because $0.82 is NOT Enough 

NOVEMBER 10, 2021  •  12:00 – 1:30 P.M. EST

Session 1: The Great Resignation

A record number of employees are quitting their jobs, looking for better opportunities, better pay and more flexibility. What’s the impact on women?

  • If more companies move to a virtual or hybrid workplace, what does that mean for women’s visibility at work?
  • What do credit unions need to do to design a culture and workplace that is modern and inclusive? 
  • The COVID Pause/COVID Clarity
  • How do credit unions redefine work? 
  • Results vs. time—how to best evaluate employee performance

MARCH 16, 2022  •  12:00 – 1:30 P.M. EST

Session 2: The Gender Pay Gap

  • There is a double standard when it comes to how men and women are perceived when negotiating: where men are viewed as assertive, but women are seen as aggressive and overbearing. Is it simply a matter of teaching women better negotiation skills? Or is there more at play? 
  • Do women need to overcome perceptions in a traditional workplace? Or do the fundamental workplace philosophies need to change?
  • How do we counteract stereotypes that paint women who show emotion as weak or poor leaders? 
  • Women are often seen as supportive and accommodating—but where is the balance between being direct and seeing these as valuable skills? Should women be taught to be less supportive and accommodating, or do we need to rethink what essential skills are important? 

We’ll wrap with actionable takeaways from our panelists that you can use immediately. 


JUNE 22, 2022  •  12:00 – 1:30 P.M. EST

Session 3: The Confidence Gap

Research shows women are apt to struggle with lack of confidence more than men do.

We’ll explore why this is, and what can be done to overcome it, including a look at:

  • The “Imposter Syndrome”—feelings of self-doubt that persist despite your education, experience, and accomplishments.

  • The qualifiers women often use in speech, such as “just” and “I’m sorry.”

  • Why it is so hard for women to ask for what they want

We’ll wrap with actionable takeaways from our panelists that you can use immediately.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2022  •  12:00 – 1:30 P.M. EST

Session 4: The Double Bind

Women often feel the competing demands of work and home more than their male counterparts. We’ll delve into these and other issues:

  • How can women counteract challenges when reentering the workforce after starting a family?
  • Studies show most household duties fall to women. What does that do to add to stress and its impact on the workplace?
  • Are nontraditional benefits such as flexible work schedules and strong maternity and paternity leave policies more desirable than their traditional counterparts?
  • Should organizations be measuring time, or results?
  • Women often miss out on informal networking opportunities because of their family responsibilities. How can they overcome these disadvantages?
    What can be done to support working single mothers?
  • How do we support women—and all employees—to prioritize physical and mental health?

We’ll wrap with actionable takeaways from our panelists that you can use immediately.

The following resources were discussed in the live chat during the session:

Additional Resources

Diversity & Inclusion

Salary Resources

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